I was craving some double chocolate cookies but was searching for a recipe that’s healthy, low calorie, and has some protein….plus, taste amazing!
I love cookies that are soft, chewy, and moist. No crunchy cookies, please!
I couldn’t find any recipe that fit the bill, so I came up with my own recipe.
Funny thing is that this recipe came to me in my dream…it’s weird how things can suddenly pop into your mind out of no where.
Anyways, this recipe uses only FIVE, natural, plant-based ingredients….and is so easy to make!
Not to mention each cookie is ONLY 65 calories and has 2g of protein!
Check out how soft and chocolately these cookies are.

These cookies are high in protein because they use egg white and peanut butter. And who doesn’t love PB, especially in a cookie?!
It’s double chocolate because it uses chocolate hummus and cocoa powder.
Have you tried chocolate hummus before? It’s amazing, it’s tastes and looks nothing like hummus. It’s dark and resembles nutella but is less sweet and lower calories. 2 tbsp of dark chocolate hummus is only 70 calories!
These cookies are simply so easy to make and delicious. My husband devoured them up in a couple days and asked me to make another batch!
You won’t be disappointed!

Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
1/2 cup chocolate hummus
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup sugar
3 tbsp egg white
1 tbsp mirin
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Mix all ingredients together.
3. Use a tbsp to portion into cookies (1 tbsp/cookie).
4. Bake for 10-12 minutes until set.
1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Mix all ingredients together.
3. Use a tbsp to portion into cookies (1 tbsp/cookie).
4. Bake for 10-12 minutes until set.